Solvent Purifiers
Easy, Safe, and Fast way to dry and dispense solvents.
These systems operate by pushing the solvents through a series of drying columns resulting in moisture levels down to the ppm range. Dried solvents can then be either dispensed into a collection vessel directly at the system and/or into an integrated glovebox system.
The need for a safe alternative to distillation is in high demand and MBRAUN is available to meet those demands with high quality products and fully trained technical staff on call to answer your questions. Please contact us to choose a solvent purification system to meet your needs.
SPS 5/7
- Complete systems ready to operate
- Safe alternative to distilling
- Quick collection of ultra-pure solvents
- Purifies up to 7 solvents per system
- Purifies up to 800 litres with one loading of the filter columns
- Connect directly to a MBRAUN glovebox or use as a standalone unit
- Fire safety storage cabinet for flammable liquids ensure lab safety